How can I hear, “Well Done” from God? Can I make God smile? Is there really a Christian doctrine of Works? If you have ever asked these questions, look no further. This book is for you! We want to help you do the things God has commanded of you as a follower of Him. We do want to stress that good works cannot save anyone (It can’t be done! Only complete trust in what Jesus has done on the cross can), but God does command us to do certain things as faithful servants of His.
Through studying the Christian Doctrine of “Do” together, you and I can learn what it is to be faithful workers of God and “doers” for His kingdom. Then maybe one day, you and I will hear from the lips of our Savior, Jesus Christ, “Well done. You did what it was that I asked you to do. I put you in charge of a few things, and you did it! And now I am going to put you in charge of more.”
Soli Deo Gloria!